Looking into a crystal ball and telling the future is probably one of the most conjured images when telling the future. Unfortunately I have never had much luck with my crystal ball, but there are different methods suited to different people. So try and see which method works for you. This method one of the most mystical and is often associated with psychics. You are meant to receive answers by visualizations that appear within the crystal. These may be colours, and image or even a symbol. To understand the answers I would recommend buying a kit (The one pictured is the one I have)
The Method
Some people in preparation to reading the crystal ball like to meditate or call on a special deity to help them receive answers to their questions. Others just empty there minds of irrelevant thoughts. If you're not familiar with meditating or deities then it would be easier to focus your attention on emptying your mind first.
When you have done this, let your eyes rest on the crystal. Make sure the crystal is on a blank surface on its stand, though some people do like to hold the ball whilst they read it as it gives the ball their energy.
Focus your entire attention on the ball. Don't let errant thoughts creep into your mind, it will sound easy but you will be surprised by how actively the mind thinks without us realising. You may need to practice emptying your mind a few times before doing this, if you find this particularly hard.
Once you have kept your focus on the crystal ball for a minute or two ask your question.
Answers may appear to different people in different ways, a colour for instance may seem to 'wash' over the ball or it may appear to like a milky density swirling inside the ball. Images may appear hovering on the inside of the ball or maybe they will move. It is different for everyone, just try not to let your mind be distracted by what is happening. Just accept whatever vision comes to you.
Having a book on this will help you immensely as answers may not always be clear.
Hope this helps you beginning Crystalomancy!